Rome 2024

Leading Change in a Changing Climate

CIEE is excited to announce that we will gather in Rome, Italy, November 6-8, 2024, to bring together thought leaders, educators, and students passionate about the intersection of global education and climate change.

We will explore innovative approaches and programming within study abroad that emphasize environmental consciousness and social responsibility.

Join us in Rome, where engaging discussions, insightful workshops, and networking opportunities await. Discover how we can collectively contribute to a more sustainable and globally-minded future.


Pre-conference Workshop

Leading Change: Elevating International Education Programs for Achieving Institutional Goals

Join CIEE, along with academic leadership from our Leading Change in Study Abroad Pledge for an impactful workshop for international educators. The session will equip senior academic leaders with concrete strategies and insights to develop, enhance, and sustain international programs that can significantly impact key institutional metrics such as enrollment, retention, graduation rates, employability, and economic mobility can significantly impact key institutional metrics such as enrollment, retention, graduation rates, employability, and economic mobility.

Global Sustainability Challenge

CIEE is seeking advice from experts in climate, the environment, and sustainability to develop a comprehensive global portfolio of college programs. These programs aim to engage learners in understanding the multifaceted challenges of climate change and determining the most suitable locations and content for these offerings.

Proposals should include scalable study abroad experiences, collaboratively designed by two different U.S. universities, that are tailored for college students to focus on climate change in various international contexts.

Three finalist teams will receive a trip to Rome, Italy, for the annual CIEE Study Abroad Conference to present their proposal in a “pitch event” on November 8.

The winning team will receive a $250,000 scholarship pool for their students to attend any one of CIEE’s existing or new global programs related to climate, the environment, and sustainability in 2025-2026.

The submission deadline is September 20, 2024 – more details are available in the Global Sustainability Challenge Call for Proposals.

Conference Sessions

The 77th annual CIEE Study Abroad Conference in Rome will include a rich set of curated sessions focusing on our theme of Leading Change in a Changing Climate. Sessions will include a combination of research and industry experts from our topic selections, along with colleagues in the higher and international education space. Areas of discussion include:


  • Sustainability for International Educators
  • Global Architecture and Resilient Design


  • Service Learning, Student Research and Internships to Support Sustainable Development Goals
  • Peace and Justice Education in a Changing Climate


  • Local Partnerships for Sustainable Communities
  • Spreading the Culture of Sustainability through Street Art in Italy
  • Sustainable Travel and Tourism in a Post-Pandemic World


  • Ensuring Equity and Crafting Inclusive Policies in an Era of Climate Migration
  • Food Security, Scarcity and Waste


  • Water Equity on a Warming Planet

Meet CIEE Reception

Meet our CIEE Center Directors from around the world as they feature local sustainability initiatives, cultural experiences, and academic programs.

Conference Speakers

Mikaela Loach, acclaimed author, (It’s Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World), climate justice organizer, and speaker, recognized as one of the most influential women in the U.K. climate movement by Forbes, Global Citizen, and BBC Woman’s Hour will join the 77th annual CIEE Study Abroad Conference this year as a Plenary Speaker.

Mikaela has boldly challenged powerful entities, calling out billionaires at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s annual event, taking the UK government to court in the landmark “Paid To Pollute” case in 2021, and challenging Shell’s CEO and board at their AGM for their human rights abuses to people of the Niger Delta in Nigeria. 

Her dedication to her values is evident in her collaborations with brands and organizations such as Armed Angels, LUSH, Greenpeace, and eBay. 

Read more

More program details to come this summer! Looking forward to seeing our colleagues in Rome!

CIEE Study Abroad Conference - Paris 2023

2023 Paris

Leading Change in Study Abroad

Paris, France

2022 Seoul

75 Years of Pathways to Peace

Seoul, South Korea

2021 Online

Catalyst for Inclusion, Access, and Progress
