Partnering With Faculty to Expand Global Education
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Mira Sorvino
Academy Award-Winning Actress and Human Rights Activist
Actress Mira Sorvino will share her perspectives on study abroad as a critical influencer in students’ lives, including her own. Sorvino studied abroad with CIEE in Beijing, China, while a student at Harvard University, an experience that helped to influence the roles she has pursued in her acting career and her life-long activism around human and women’s rights.
Sorvino has spent much of her career pursuing roles that marry her acting and social-activist passions, including starring in the critically acclaimed Holocaust drama, “The Grey Zone”; the 2005 miniseries, “Human Trafficking,” which explored the lives of women and children who have been abducted and forced into slavery; and the 2012 play, “Trade in Innocents,” about a couple that joins the fight to end the trafficking of children after the loss of their own child.
She is the official ambassador for the worldwide human rights organization Amnesty International’s “Stop Violence Against Women” program. Through her work with Amnesty, Sorvino has lobbied Congress on such topics as human trafficking and the atrocities in Darfur, Sudan. Additionally, as United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Global Fight against Human Trafficking, in 2013 Sorvino traveled to Cambodia with the Freedom Project to develop an exposé on child sex trafficking, which resulted in “Every Day in Cambodia: A CNN Freedom Project Documentary.”
Michael Sorrell
Ed.D., President of Paul Quinn College
In a few short years as president, Michael Sorrell has transformed the struggling Paul Quinn College – a historically black college in Dallas, Texas, on the brink of losing accreditation – into one of the most innovative small colleges in America that is rapidly becoming a model for urban higher education. During the Annual Luncheon, Sorrell will share his lessons learned from this experience in overcoming barriers and “getting things done that others say can’t be done.”
In addition to his work at Paul Quinn, Sorrell is active in the community, serving as a trustee or director for Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, the College Board, Amegy Bank, Teach for America, Earth Day Texas, Dallas Regional Chamber, the Dallas Foundation, and the Tate Distinguished Lecture Series and the Department of Education Policy and Leadership for the Simmons School of Education at Southern Methodist University. Michael is a sought-after writer and speaker, regularly contributing editorials featured in the “Dallas Morning News” and the “Huffington Post.” Additionally, his TEDx talk on the New Urban College Model is critically acclaimed. Michael was recently named, for the second time in his career, as the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Male President of the Year by “HBCU Digest.”

Wednesday, November 16
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Registration Desk
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
One-Day International Faculty Development Seminar
Hollywood Trailblazers: Breaking Barriers on the Silver Screen
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Moving with the Tide: Faculty-Led Programs that Maximize Learning and Support a Diversity of Study Abroad Students
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Rainbow SIG
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Global Leadership League: Empowering Women in Global Engagement
6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Opening Plenary
Keynote Speaker: Mira Sorvino, Academy Award-Winning Actress and Human Rights Activist
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Opening Reception
Thursday, November 17
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Registration Desk
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall
Concurrent Sessions (Group 1) | 9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Access to and Advocacy for Study Abroad at California State University, Fullerton – Participation of a Diverse Student Body
California State University, Fullerton – one of the largest public universities in California and identified as a “comprehensive, regional university with a global outlook” – has made diversity in study abroad a priority. During this session, we’ll connect two institutional priorities: increased participation of students in study abroad as aligned with 2013-2018 strategic plan goals and implementation of a California-Mexico Memorandum of Understanding. Panelists will outline initiatives associated with institutional commitment to increasing study abroad participation; highlight strategies specifically focused on increasing study abroad participation of first-generation and diverse student populations; provide an overview of capacity-building efforts; and review study abroad participation rates and trends.
Chair: Kari Knutson Miller, California State University, Fullerton
Presenters: Dean Kazoleas, California State University, Fullerton; Julián Jefferies, California State University, Fullerton; Rose Adams, California State University, Fullerton
Moving Beyond the Single-Discipline Faculty-Led Model: How Can Music Business and Social Work Students Get Along?
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How did an English professor, a social work professor, and a communications professor come together at Belmont University to build a high-quality academic program in Sweden? Join us as we explore innovative approaches to faculty-led programs. Faculty and study abroad staff will share best practices, discuss the success of their own initiatives, and cover the potential challenges of organizing programs that support students from different backgrounds. You’ll leave the session energized to use the tools provided to create your own successful cross-disciplinary faculty-led program.
Chair: Jenna Garchar, CIEE
Presenters: Susan Finch, Belmont University; Mimi Barnard, Belmont University; Nathan Webb, Belmont University
Outside of Our Comfort Zones: Faculty Identity and Pedagogy in the Global Classroom
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Like the intrepid students who study somewhere other than their home countries, faculty should challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zones. During this session, you’ll learn how to define your identity as a global teacher and how to experiment with pedagogies that facilitate learning for a variety of students. Panelists will share highlights from a workshop they co-facilitated in the Czech Republic for teachers from across Europe who work with U.S. study abroad students. In addition, they’ll lead participants in a discussion about experiences teaching abroad or instructing diverse learners on home campuses, as well as an interactive teaching exercise.
Chair: Alexandra Wood, CIEE
Presenters: Christian Bracho, American University
Hybrid Students Require Hybrid Programming: Targeting Student-Athletes in Study Abroad
Join us for this engaging session to get you thinking “out of bounds” about how to collaborate with faculty and coaches to bolster student-athletes enrollment in study abroad. We’ll discuss the importance of including student-athletes in study abroad; explain how to engage in sport and movement-based learning; identify statistics in collegiate athletics which are relevant to study abroad; explore an innovative program model for student-athletes including programming specifics, faculty involvement, coaches’ buy-in, and student-athlete recruitment; and inspire you to build a bridge between the study abroad office and athletic department. Be ready to start fast and finish strong!
Chair: Tara Michael, Global Players Study Abroad for Student-Athletes
Presenters: Lisa Rubenstein Calevi, University of Oregon; Wagaye Johannes, Institute of International Education; Justyn Williams, LinkedIn
10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Coffee Break and Poster Fair
Concurrent Sessions (Group 2) | 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Customizing and Funding Professional Development to Internationalize the Curriculum
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For the past two years, CIEE and Union College have collaborated to run International Faculty Development Seminars in Beijing, China, and Istanbul, Turkey, assisting Union in their efforts to internationalize their common curriculum. During this session, we’ll outline how Union applied for and won a grant from the Mellon Foundation, approached CIEE for assistance with the design and execution of the programs, and ultimately, how the first of the two programs has changed and will continue to change the common curriculum at Union. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how international professional development opportunities can help internationalize curriculum on their own campuses.
Chair: Erin Santana, CIEE
Presenters: Joyce Madancy, Union College
Using Giving Games to Develop International and Intercultural Critical Thinking Skills
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Giving games are learning experiences in which students are given a sum of money to donate to one or more charities. Students then research charities and make a collective decision to give based on the relative effectiveness of the various charitable options. Giving games impart valuable lessons about effective altruism, the use of empirical data in charity evaluation, and negotiation and compromise in a values-based setting. Using the panelists’ own experiences, this session will introduce participants to giving game strategies and will focus on the possibilities and problems inherent in using giving games. A giving game will be a part of this session.
Chair: Dorn Van Dommelen, University of Alaska Anchorage
Presenters: Judith Owens-Manley, University of Alaska Anchorage
The Evolution of Study Abroad Programs to Achieve Greater Student Diversity
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There is a growing trend in education abroad to attract a greater number and diversity of students by focusing on making education abroad of interest to traditionally underrepresented groups. During this session, we’ll look at examples of programs and university-based efforts to examine what commonalities can be replicated and what lessons can be learned in new accessible program models. Focus is placed on how the panelists have used on-campus collaborations and adjusted for programmatic, language, and environmental conditions in the host community to create an experience that facilitates learning and inclusion for an increased diversity of participants.
Chair: Michele Scheib, Mobility International USA
Presenters: Christina Chambers, Arizona State University
Morgan Reiss, CIEE
Why it Works and Why It’s Frustrating – Navigating Tradition, Innovation, and Best Practices in the Development of Outstanding Global Architecture Programs
Using the architecture programs at the Cal Poly campuses of San Luis Obispo and Pomona as examples, which have strong traditions of study abroad, during this session we’ll explore ethics and partnerships in study abroad program development and how we can collectively deliver outstanding architecture and other professionally focused programs that push the boundaries and traditions of education abroad. Perspectives from department heads, program providers, and senior international officers will provide insight into our “learn by doing” challenges, and student and faculty narratives will enhance our understanding of what we’re doing well and what we can do better. Participants will gain an understanding of curriculum internationalization at the program level for architecture and will have the opportunity to analyze internationalization efforts in professional fields at their home campuses.
Chair: Cari Vanderkar Moore, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Presenters: Margot McDonald, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Magda Bernaus, CIEE
Lunch Session | 2:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
Expanding Global Education: The Challenge of Directing a Study Abroad Office
In this open forum we’ll discuss the issues related to managing study abroad offices, including dealing with financial constraints, human resources challenges, building campus support for international education, and managing crises. The format is free-flowing and participants are welcome to bring issues of their own they would like to discuss with their peers.
Chair: Timothy Lynn Elliott, Brigham Young University
Concurrent Sessions (Group 3) | 1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
Opening More Doors: Keys to Successful Faculty-Led Study Abroad for Graduate Students
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This session will provide a model for building a successful graduate-level study abroad program, give session participants the tools to build a viable, sustainable study abroad program for graduate students, and aid and inspire session participants to do so. Panelists include three colleagues who have collaborated to build successful credit-bearing graduate-level study abroad programs, as well as a non-traditional student who participated in a study abroad program. During this session, we’ll cover budgeting, recruitment, course credits, course delivery, program activities, coursework, logistics, accommodating non-traditional students, faculty pay and course load, and program assessment and sustainability.
Chair: Kurt Harris, Southern Utah University
Presenters: Patrick Clarke, Southern Utah University; Patricia Keehley, Southern Utah University; Karen Peterson, Southern Utah University
Between a Religious Rock and a Hard Study Abroad Place: Supporting Students of Faith
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Religion can be a sensitive topic in study abroad when working with students and advisors from different cultures. During this session, you’ll learn how to best support students to practice their religions abroad and to help them manage how they will be perceived in different cultures. Participants will also gain an understanding of faculty-led program design and the importance of sensitivity to students and faith systems. Finally, we’ll identify advising models that can help students explore their value systems and empower their sense of faith by looking at host cultures, including Ghana, Italy, Japan, and Spain.
Chair: J. Scott Van Der Meid, Brandeis University
Presenters: Sarah E. Spencer, University of St. Thomas; Eero Jesurun, CIEE; Kwasi Gyasi-Gyamerah, CIEE
Spotlight Session
Presenters: Aaron Bruce, San Diego State University; Jon Bruning, Carthage College; Kimber Guinn, University of Louisville; Sukari Ivester, California State University, East Bay
Developing Global Citizens: Increasing Faculty Engagement in Intercultural Learning
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Knowledge, while crucial, is just one piece of the “global citizen” puzzle so many universities are trying to solve. Intercultural effectiveness — the hallmark of global citizenship — requires affective and behavioral learning as well as cognitive. Integrating effective fostering of global citizens into the university mainstream requires significant involvement by faculty. During this session, we’ll provide ideas for how faculty might become more deeply and effectively engaged in promoting intercultural learning at universities, even contributing to promotion and tenure documents regarding the “mentoring” of undergraduate students. We’ll also share some early success stories.
Chair: Jason D. Patent, University of California, Berkeley
Presenters: Charles A. Calahan, Purdue University
Concurrent Sessions (Group 4) | 3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
International Perspectives on Higher Education: The Student Experience for Faculty and Staff
Join us in this session to learn about the innovative International Perspectives on Higher Education (IPHE), a study abroad program developed by the University of South Carolina that provides an opportunity for faculty and staff to better understand the student experience by living it. The program was created in 2012 to enhance faculty and staff international experiences; to cultivate new and diverse faculty leaders; and to expand campus internationalization efforts. IPHE provides participants with the opportunity to observe typical study abroad sites, to develop an understanding of differences in international higher education systems, and to gain insight into how faculty-led programs operate.
Chair: Chrissie Faupel, University of South Carolina
Presenters: Maura Smith, University of South Carolina; Jerry Mitchell, University of South Carolina
Facilitating Mobility for Engineering Majors: Successful Partnerships between Faculty and Education Abroad Professionals
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Learn best practices for how your institution should work internally to recruit, advise, approve courses, and award credits, all of which are critical components for implementing successful study abroad programs for engineering students. We’ll also highlight the importance of collaboration between faculty and study abroad advising offices and will illustrate how this collaboration can lead to additional opportunities for universities.
Chair: Wagaye Johannes, Institute of International Education
Presenters: Nina Kohr, Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Martin Bendsøe, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
The Path Forward: STEM and the Arts Make the World Better
Convincing science and engineering students of the utility of seeing and thinking like artists is not always easy. Nor is coming up with a compelling argument for students in the arts or humanities that a scientific and mathematical perspective can, in some way, further their own creative needs. During this session, panelists will share their own experiences collaborating to create study abroad opportunities that merge the disciplines that professionals have long thought discordant – art and science.
Chair: Jane Flaherty, Texas A&M University
Presenters: Jeremy Wasser, Texas A&M University;
Jane Brucker, Loyola Marymount University;
Madison Brown, Loyola Marymount University
Getting Real with Diversity Outreach: A Practical Toolkit for Promoting Study Abroad to Underrepresented Students
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Reaching underrepresented student populations in education abroad is something most universities strive for, but can find difficult to execute in practice. During this session, presenters – who represent the 11th most ethnically diverse university in the U.S. – will help you identify new and creative outlets for outreach to underrepresented populations at your institution. We’ll also explore how to foster connections with key departments and identify study abroad program types that draw diverse student participants in the hopes of empowering underrepresented students to overcome actual and perceived barriers to study abroad.
Chair: Andra Jacques, University of California, San Diego
Presenters: Jay Minert, University of California, San Diego; Cecil Lytle, University of California, San Diego; Porsia Curry, University of California, San Diego
4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Don’t miss our vastly popular Meet CIEE event, your passport to CIEE staff from across the globe! Enjoy specialty cocktails brought from all the places CIEE calls home, shop at the international CIEE Marketplace for unusual gifts, and have your passport stamped to win a package to the 2017 CIEE Conference in Austin, TX, containing registration, flight, and hotel accommodations.
7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Annual Conference Reception
Friday, November 18
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Registration Desk
8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall
Concurrent Sessions (Group 1) | 9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
Engaging Generation Z: Integrating Global and Local Vision, Structure, and Innovation
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How are universities responding to two recent paradigm shifts impacting global education? First, there is a generational change between millennials and the new cohort known as K or Z. While our current traditional undergraduates may be more anxious, skeptical, and know only smartphones, they also crave connection and are makers, creators, and inventors. (“Think millennials have it tough? For ‘Generation K’, life is even harsher.” The Guardian, March 19, 2016) The second shift is the increased fluidity between global and local interactions and groups. As classrooms continue to diversify with international and first-generation students, the university community – students, faculty, and staff – must obtain and demonstrate intercultural agility, curiosity, and empathy to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world. This session addresses how the University of St. Thomas has implemented into its administrative structure an innovative partnership between faculty from diverse disciplines and education abroad professionals to address the new realities of global and local engagement that respond to the world’s most pressing needs.
Chair: Sarah E. Spencer, University of St. Thomas
Presenters: Camille George, University of St. Thomas;
Elise Amel, University of St. Thomas
Beyond Cultural Difference as Problematic: Fostering the Unique Potential in Intercultural Collaborative Work
In general, cultural differences are seen as problematic and intercultural competence is defined as the ability to deal with these problems. Panelists in this session have attempted to cultivate an alternative view of intercultural competence by viewing cultural differences as a source of potential, rather than problems, and intercultural competence as the ability to actualize the potential in these differences. The goal is to both understand and design educational experiences where intercultural differences can become a source of unique potential. During this session, panelists will lead a discussion around this project and will encourage participants to share their experiences and ideas on cultural differences as potential.
Chair: E. David Wong, Michigan State University
Presenters: Dawn Branham, Michigan State University; Naomi Kagawa, Shimane University (Japan)
Washington Update
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Following a tumultuous campaign season, Americans will have elected a new president and Congress just a week before the CIEE Annual Conference. Where does the new president stand on privately funded exchange programs? What does the new composition of Congress mean for the budget process? What about immigration issues? How might exchanges fare? Who are the most likely people to run the critical congressional committees? What about the impact of the presidential campaign on public perception? Come learn about these issues and what the international exchange community can do to promote greater understanding and support of its programs.
Chair: Ilir Zherka, Alliance for International Exchange
10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Coffee Break and Poster Fair
Concurrent Sessions (Group 2) | 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
It Takes a Village: Building a Support System for Diversity Abroad
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Racial/ethnic diversity in study abroad increased 10 percent from 2004 to 2014. Despite the increase, study abroad continues to fall low on students of color’s priority list. Irrespective of their rationale for not going, students of color continue to receive fewer messages that study abroad is worthwhile. To fill this gap, panelists in this session will argue that faculty involvement – particularly faculty of color– in the planning process and while on-site is imperative. The inclusion will allow students to see themselves reflected in study abroad programs and may increase the likelihood that students will participate. This session will feature multiple perspectives to demonstrate the important ways to utilize faculty in the effort to increase student of color participation.
Chair: Neal McKinney, DePauw University
Presenters: Leigh-Anne Goins, DePauw University; Erica Ledesma, Diversity Abroad; Quinton Redcliffe, CIEE
In With the Locals: Why On-Site Connection Matters
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How do we break the third wall between study abroad group bubble voyeurism to allow for meaningful, authentic engagement abroad? During this session, we’ll investigate the implications of involving local parties in faculty-led study abroad, particularly for pointedly focused curriculum in non-traditional areas of study. Faculty, student, and provider perspectives speak to experiences of international collaboration, challenges and successes, and how to utilize local networks to coordinate a meaningful and engaging experience abroad. Additionally, faculty and resident staff will reflect specifically on seeking out relevant and timely contacts and experiences and will provide personal examples of how to position a program experience and curriculum to facilitate growth.
Chair: Bri Dostie, CIEE
Presenters: Ray Casserly, CIEE; Karleigh Koster, Indiana University
Intercultural Faculty Training for the Development of Innovative Global Initiatives
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During this session, we’ll explore resources and frameworks that allow participants to identify the specific needs of their home campuses in relation to implementing intercultural and diversity initiatives. Intercultural competence has an impact on educators’ daily duties and projects, allowing them to bridge the cultural differences present on campuses and in education abroad programs. This type of competence helps to develop innovative initiatives and to align with global learning outcomes and goals. Furthermore, intercultural competence fosters reflection and creativity with the aim of developing thoughtful and distinctive new projects. Panelists will present models for intercultural training, lead discussions on best practices in this area, examine projects developed as a result of intercultural training, and review intercultural tools that can help when implementing new programs.
Chair: Francisco Frisuelos-Krömer, CIEE
Presenters: Ann Lutterman-Aguilar, Augsburg College;
Victor Betancourt, Marymount College;
Elsa Maxwell, CIEE
12:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Annual Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Michael Sorrell Ed.D., President of Paul Quinn College
Concurrent Sessions (Group 3) | 2:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Exploring the Craft of the Educator: Reflections on the Winter 2016 IFDS in Buenos Aires
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During this session, panelists will share reflections on the outcomes of a winter CIEE International Faculty Development Seminar (IFDS) in Buenos Aires, the first IFDS to focus on the intersection of intercultural learning and language learning. While participants learned how to design activities to help language students learn and grow through intercultural experiences, the distinctive design of the seminar allowed participants to also focus on their own intercultural development and gain a deeper, more holistic understanding of the intercultural learning process. Participants of this session will learn how this IFDS accomplished its goals, as well as how three IFDS participants designed takeaways that are helping them to incorporate intercultural learning in the design of their own and their colleagues’ study abroad programs and their on-campus curricular and co-curricular programming.
Chair: Ana Maria Wiseman, Wofford College
Presenters: Jan Jarrell, San Diego City College; Mehdi Moutahir, Johnson & Wales University; Christopher Sapp, University of Mississippi
Before They Even Get Here: Cross-Campus Collaboration on a New Pre-Freshman Study Abroad Program
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During this session, we’ll examine the development of an innovative study abroad program, which was the result of successful collaboration among professionals from the admissions and study abroad offices and an academic department. The synergy that resulted from this collaboration enabled the creation of a program that exceeded all expectations as a recruiting tool, as a summer bridge preparing high school students for university, and as an innovative model for future study abroad programs. Panelists will each tell the story of the program’s creation from his or her own perspective, highlighting areas of potential mutual misunderstanding and how they were resolved.
Chair: Kathie Carpenter, University of Oregon
Presenters: Jim Rawlins, University of Oregon; Ben Callaway, University of Oregon
Mental Health Care While Abroad
With the advent of increased mental health needs of students at home institutions, study abroad programs are faced with the reality that students may need professional help while studying abroad. During this session, we’ll explore techniques used to provide care for students before the study abroad term commences, as well as methods for alleviating potential mental health crises while abroad. We’ll discuss action plans that need to be in place in the event that a student experiences an extreme decompensation in their mental stability. Additionally, we’ll explore the increase in demand of psychological services while abroad and the resulting need for on-site wellness centers.
Chair: Arianna Zabriskie, IAU College
Presenters: Jessica Hornbrook, University of San Diego
Concurrent Sessions (Group 4) | 3:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Know Your Audience: Using Pre-existing Norms to Overcome Curricular and Cultural Barriers to Study Abroad for Business Students
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Understanding the target market of a study abroad program can help educators overcome cultural and curricular barriers to studying abroad. Partnerships between study abroad offices and faculty members can be instrumental in breaking down these barriers for business students. During this session, we’ll combine the panelists’ experiences with original research to attempt to illuminate themes, including the disconnect between emerging markets and student study abroad choices, apathy toward language acquisition, perceptions of study abroad, and developing a culture of studying abroad. Participants are encouraged to bring their own success and challenges in order to create generalizable program design and outreach philosophies.
Chair: Bill Burress, Elon University
Presenters: Karleigh Koster, Indiana University; Mark Kurt, Elon University
Innovations for Advancing Faculty Engagement and Curriculum Integration
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This highly interactive session will showcase a range of innovative data-driven tools, new research, and other initiatives that have been leveraged successfully to advance faculty engagement in U.S. education abroad. Panelists will provide examples from numerous institutional contexts to ensure broad appeal and potential replication including: data-driven approach to curriculum integration (CI); research on leveraging education abroad as a high-impact practice linked to student retention, persistence, and academic performance; and creative ways study abroad providers support faculty engagement and curriculum integration efforts.
Chair: Maritheresa Frain, CIEE
Presenters: Hsiu-Zu Ho, University of California Education Abroad Program; Anthony C. Ogden, Michigan State University
Rwanda: Collaborating with Faculty to Build Student Engagement Abroad
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In 2012, a faculty-staff team from Hamline University led a course in Rwanda. Support from their International and Off Campus Programs later enabled the faculty member to visit a Rwandan university. As a result, in 2016, students from the home institution collaborated with Rwandan students to create a workshop. In Rwanda, U.S. students presented on youth involvement in the 1960s civil rights movement and Rwandan students presented on youth involvement in post-genocide reconciliation. During this session, a faculty, staff, and student team will instruct participants in how to create a collaborative environment that leads to meaningful student engagement, using the Rwanda project as an example. Participants will leave the session with concrete information about successful programs for faculty-staff collaboration and how such programs can build student engagement abroad.
Chair: M Sheridan Embser-Herbert, Hamline University
Presenters: Kari Richtsmeier, Hamline University; Linda Umwali, Hamline University
Saturday, November 19
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Registration Desk
8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall
8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Breakfast Presentation
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Concurrent Sessions (Group 1) | 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
The Bubble of English in the Land of Babel: Challenges and Recommendations for Studying Abroad in an English-Medium-Instruction Program in Non-English Speaking Countries
By bringing together the perspectives of faculty and administrators from both sides, during this session we’ll examine the challenges faced by students who study abroad in programs with EMI in non-English speaking countries and discuss what steps can be taken both to better support these students and to develop effective programs. This session will feature panelists from higher education institutions in China, Japan, and the U.S. who will share their experiences, concerns, failures, and successes working with EMI programs and how they have adjusted their own administration and teaching strategies to help their students and faculty negotiate with the academic, cultural, and linguistic challenges.
Chair: Chair: Li Yang, Rowan University
Presenters: Keiko Ikeda, Kansai University (Japan); Jiong Gong, University of International Business and Economics (China)
Emerging Paradigms in Community College Education Abroad
For 60 years, U.S. community colleges have conducted education abroad programs, yet collective research on these practices is lacking. “International Education at Community Colleges: Themes, Practices, Research, and Case Studies” (Palgrave-Macmillian Publishers, 2016) helps to fill this void. During this session, we’ll discuss four chapters from this publication that present research on U.S. community college education abroad. Panelists will reflect and expand upon the data and collectively will define a paradigm unique for these institutions. Participants will leave the session with an understanding of how collaboration between faculty and international offices is critical to successful practice and how changing practices, when purposefully directed, enhance overall student learning.
Chair: Rosalind Raby, California Colleges for International Education
Presenters: Reyes Quezada, San Diego State University; Tasha Willis, California State University, Los Angeles; Gary Rhodes, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Getting to “No”
The mission of international and global education today generally implies that we’re devoted to openness and to cultivating the greatest number of opportunities for faculty and students. As we work to make a thousand flowers bloom, however, we often find ourselves in situations where we have to use the dirty word “no.” During this session, we’ll reflect on how saying “no” to faculty, partners, institutions, students, and other stakeholders in study abroad both presents challenges and helps us define the limits and value of our educational initiatives, enabling us to develop a new understanding of what “yes” looks like. Drawing from the panelists’ experiences, we’ll explore why saying “no” has become so difficult in 21st-century global education. Participants will gain strategies for saying “no” gracefully and will learn how that “no” can be in the service of helping faculty members, administrators, and students get to a better “yes” that serves their and our institutions’ educational mission and values.
Chair: Brent Keever, CIEE
Presenters: Jane Edwards, Yale University; Michael Pippenger, Columbia University
Concurrent Sessions (Group 2) | 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Education Goes International: Partnering Abroad to Build Teacher Education Programs
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During this session, the panelists will offer their unique perspectives on the obstacles and mediation necessary to develop a culturally responsive teacher education program abroad that positively impacts U.S. teacher candidates as well as Italian teachers and their primary students. Using examples from their experience developing a teacher education program with EFL teaching field experience, the panelists will lead participants in discussions focused on addressing the curriculum needs of students and U.S. institutions, the community needs of the host culture, and the strategies necessary to work effectively with the host. Dialogue with participants will be framed around approaches for curriculum alignment and for developing and maintaining mutually beneficial community partnerships.
Chair: Laura Hauerwas, Providence College
Presenters: Joanne Maddux, Fairfield University in Florence; Meaghan Creamer, Providence College
Designing and Delivering Globally Connected Domestic Programs
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Come learn how your institution can develop and implement exciting globally connected domestic programs for your students. Featuring faculty and administrator panelists from Elon University and Duke University, this session will showcase their respective programs in Los Angeles that offer innovative coursework on current issues combined with valuable pre-professional opportunities, such as credit-bearing internships, thus using the host city as a “learning laboratory.” The faculty directors of Elon and Duke’s programs in LA will describe how they introduce students to the film and entertainment industries with help from their alumni networks. Other general topics in this session include leveraging university support for domestic programs and preparing students for a domestic academic experience.
Chair: Paul Paparella, Duke University
Presenters: Jason McMerty, Elon University in Los Angeles;
Karen Price, Duke University in Los Angeles;
Mac Torluccio, The University of Texas at Austin
Collaborative Approach to Developing Transnational Semester and Clinical Programs for Health Care Students and Faculty
Study abroad programs for health care students, and nursing students in particular, are some of the most difficult programs to develop due to stringent academic and professional accreditation standards combined with students’ desire to graduate within the expected time frame. The College of Nursing at Sacred Heart University has taken on these challenges, creating a program with the Institute of Technology, Tralee, that was recognized with an Honorable Mention by the 2016 IIE Heiskell Awards. During this session, you’ll learn more about their program and how you can develop a similar program, providing opportunities for students and faculty while taking into account partnerships and funding resources.
Chair: Kerry Geffert, Terra Dotta
Presenters: Carrie Wojenski, Sacred Heart University; Sherylyn Watson, Sacred Heart University; Catrina Heffernan, Institute of Technology, Tralee