Mario Arvelo

Ambassador, Dominican Mission to UN in Rome
Mario Arvelo

Mario Arvelo

Ambassador, Dominican Mission to UN in Rome


Mario Arvelo (Santo Domingo, 1970) is a lawyer, political scientist (as a Fulbright scholar), writer, photographer, and career diplomat. He is the Dominican Republic’s ambassador to FAO, IFAD & WFP, and presides the UN Decade of Action on Family Farming. He has chaired the Committee on World Food Security, the UN Committee on Agriculture, the FAO Finance Commission, the Global Soils Partnership, and the Group of 77, among others. He has served in the Boards of FAO and IFAD, and currently seats at the WFP Board. His publications include “A Chronicle of Food and Hunger,” “Food Price Volatility and the Role of Speculation,” “Food Security and Nutrition in the Dominican Republic, Central America, and the Caribbean,” “Thou Shall Not Waste Food,” and (as co-author) “Transforming the Food System to Fight Non-Communicable disease.” He was the driving force behind the CFS Policy Recommendations on Food Losses and Waste, the Dominican Republic’s Law on Food Security, and the International Code of Conduct on Food Losses and Waste.

All sessions by Mario Arvelo