Floarea Virban

Professor, CIEE
Floarea Virban

Floarea Virban

Professor, CIEE


Professor – Trans-disciplinary Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences

A scholar with a trans-disciplinary profile, Dr. Vîrban is a professor (CIEE, CEA CAPA, CET, Accademia Europea di Firenze) and an experienced researcher (Romanian Academy, European University Institute; visiting fellow: Russian and Hungarian Academies of Sciences).

She holds two PhDs (2007 – History & Civilization, European University Institute; 2003 – Philology, University of Bucharest), a MA (Theoretical Philosophy) and two BAs (Letters; Philosophy).

Among the first to embed the SDGs in the Academic Curriculum, this Fall she conducted the first workshop on Sustainability Literacy for Faculty at CIEE Florence.

Her (and A. Kraczyna’s) forthcoming article Study Abroad as Il paese dei balocchi [Playland]? is an inquiry into the sustainability of post-pandemic Study Abroad experience (in between the Grand Tour and mass tourism). Other publications include Language Change vs Language Non-change in Coseriu: The Peculiar Issue of Language Identity, Wittgenstein – verso una rifondazione trans-mentale della filosofia? // Wittgenstein – i dtreo athmhúnlú trasmheabhrach ar an bhfealsúnacht?, The Idea of the Post-First World War Nationhood in Europe Was…American? How Words May Prove More Efficient Than Guns, The Guardians of Beauty, L’avanguardia russa e la Grande Guerra, Bakhtin and Arendt in Dialogue: Authority and Freedom in ‘Making’ Language and Politics.

All sessions by Floarea Virban

Sustainable Travel and Tourism in a Changing Climate

Nov 7, 2024
9:00 am - 10:10 am