Using Technology to Enhance Study Abroad: Online Courses for Overseas Experiences

Nov 10, 2017
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

Using Technology to Enhance Study Abroad: Online Courses for Overseas Experiences

The members of Generation Z have grown up with technology, and they’re not willing to give it up when they study abroad. At Boston University and Wake Forest University, we embraced these challenges early on, offering online cross-cultural courses that enable study abroad students to prepare for their semesters abroad, enhance their stays, and reflect on their experiences. In this session, representatives from both universities will explore the development of online cross-cultural engagements from the perspectives of the overseas sites, online instructors, technology integration staff, and study abroad leadership.

Amalia Pérez-Juez, Boston University

Sue Griffin, Boston University; Porshe Chiles, Wake Forest University; Allen Brown, Wake Forest University