The Hidden Module: Confronting Inequity, Decolonization, and Privilege in Two Diverse Short-term Study Abroad Programs in Uganda

Nov 7, 2019
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm

The Hidden Module: Confronting Inequity, Decolonization, and Privilege in Two Diverse Short-term Study Abroad Programs in Uganda

This session includes a panel representing student, faculty, and program partner perspectives as they mine experiences from two programs in Uganda to achieve the following learning objectives/goals: 1. Explore methods to facilitate conversations about inequity, privilege, and anti-oppression. 2. Identify challenges of diverse study abroad programs, including handling prejudice, cultural insensitivity, and misunderstandings of participants. 3. Discuss the impact of reflection during diverse study abroad programs on student learning.

Mieka Smart, Michigan State University

Amber Churchwell, Colby College
Teddy Ruge, Raintree Farms
Laura Seay, Colby College