Brooklyn 2019

Opening Doors to Increase Diversity in Study Abroad

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Schedule & Presentations

Day 1
Nov 5, 2019
Day 2
Nov 6, 2019
Day 3
Nov 7, 2019
Day 4
Nov 8, 2019

Intercultural Intersections: Diversity and Inclusion as an Integral Part of Intercultural Development Workshop

Facilitators Keshia Abraham, Ph.D., Director of Strategic Initiatives, CIEE Quinton Redcliffe; Director of Diversity and Inclusion, CIEE Brittani Smit, Manager of Student Life, CIEE – Cape Town Global Institute Marion...
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9:00 am-10:30 am

Welcome Breakfast & Opening Plenary

10:45 am-12:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 1)

Reflection and Articulation: Tools to Help Students Connect Study Abroad to Career Development

The connection between study abroad, global internships, and career readiness continues to be an important topic of discussion – especially as the pool of students studying abroad becomes more diverse....
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Socio-economics, Inclusion, and Study Abroad

This session examines the challenges of inclusion during study abroad, with a focus on the impact of student socio-economic circumstances and dynamics. Participants will explore the impact of accessible student...
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Get Out of My Way! Building Inclusive Study Abroad Experiences for Students with Disabilities

Many study abroad professionals don’t fully understand what’s unique about studying abroad with a disability. In turn, they’re left to guess why some students don’t participate, or worse, get in...
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Federal Funding Opportunities Through the Fulbright-Hays and Title VI Programs for Internationalization of College Campuses

This session is designed to demystify the federal grant process for institutions and fellowship applicants and connect participants with the resources and tools needed to develop successful federal funding applications....
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Open Forum

In this open forum we’ll discuss the issues related to managing study abroad offices, including dealing with financial constraints, human resources challenges, building campus support for international education, and managing...
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Global Leadership League

Join us for the 3rd Global Leadership League Annual Meeting. Learn more about, “The League” and how we help to advance women’s leadership in the global context. Bring colleagues and...
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Health, Safety, and Security Office Hours

Bring your questions, concerns, and thoughts to the CIEE Health, Safety and Security team during our office hours. Have a question about campus safety in Prague? Internship placements in Santiago?...
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Building Empathy in STEM and Programs Abroad

Traditionally, there has been a gap in teaching empathy to STEM majors. This session will explore the current state of STEM teaching and the developing shift toward adding empathy to...
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Equal Opportunities, Unique Experiences: Navigating Identities of Disability, Race, Gender, and Sexuality While Traveling Abroad

Students with disabilities, identify as LGBTQIA+, and/or people of color have much to gain from international education and much to contribute. Presenters will describe practices for creating environments that engage...
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“This Is the First Time I’ve Felt Like I Have Classmates.” A Guide to Providing Engaging Study Abroad Programs for the Diverse Population of Online Students

Cultural competencies including adaptability and problem-solving skills are vitally important for students. Not all students, however, have the time and/or finances to spend a semester or even a summer on...
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Sometimes the World Will Break Your Heart: Identity-Related Critical Incident Response and Reflective Learning

What happens when a student has a negative experience abroad related to personal identity? Is this a common occurrence? What resources are available to help support students through social discrimination...
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1:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 2)

Poster Session and Coffee Break

From first-generation abroad to re-entry, see how your colleagues are working to make study abroad a reality for all of today’s students. The Poster Fair and Coffee Break offers an...
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3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 3)

Cultural Heritage Preservation: Service-Learning with Unmanned Technologies in the Balkans

The Balkans’ unique and diverse cultural heritage provides an ideal setting for student service- learning in political, cultural, and sociological studies. This session includes perspectives from three different organizations –...
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Living My Best Life: Strategies to Increase Study Abroad Participation

How can institutions, especially Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), increase the number of students going abroad? Although MSIs have a greater percentage of students of color, there is still a large...
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Study Abroad as a Public Good: Identifying and Enhancing Students’ Professional Growth Through International Experience

Underrepresented college students seek a return on their undergraduate education investment and place high value on experiences that bolster employability. In this session, participants will reflect upon career-enhancing opportunities available...
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Higher Ed Disruptors: A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach to Challenging a System of Inequities

Through an integrated review and understanding of processes, resources, and partnerships within higher education, the system of inequities that prevents underrepresented students from studying abroad can be challenged. In this...
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6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Meet CIEE Reception (Glasserie)

8:45 am - 10:00 am

Concurrent Sessions (Group 4)

Advising Latino and Hispanic Heritage Students who Study Abroad in Spanish-Speaking Locations

Recommending study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country isn’t always an easy sell to Latino and Hispanic students. Will a student´s Spanish be accepted by locals in the host country? Are...
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Intersectionality in Marketing and Recruiting: Defining “Underrepresented” in Study Abroad

When thinking about defining underrepresented groups from an institutional context: Why do we need to define them? Why is it important to our office/organizations and what we do? What happens...
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What’s Foucault Got to Do with It: Diverse Career Pathways for the International Educator

International education is a field that attracts people who want to humanize international relations, foster community and inclusion, and promote mutual understanding across borders. This session will highlight diverse avenues...
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Outsider Within: Preparing and Supporting Black Students on their Study Abroad Journey

Increasing diversity on college campuses has resulted in an increase in the number of students of color studying abroad. As institutions aim to increase the racial and ethnic diversity of...
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Poster Session and Coffee Break

From first-generation abroad to re-entry, see how your colleagues are working to make study abroad a reality for all of today’s students. The Poster Fair and Coffee Break offers an...
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Re-centering Study Abroad: Reflections on Study Abroad Programming in Africa

Africa has generally been considered a non-traditional study abroad destination. This label seems to be validated by several factors, including the low number of study abroad programs available in Africa....
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Study Abroad: Is It All About Me? Taking the ‘Self’ Out of the Center

This thought-provoking session will encourage participants to consider reshaping the way they guide students to interact with and process the study abroad experience. Participants will gain insight into the student...
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Developing Innovative Sustainability and STEM-focused Study Abroad Programs Using a Collective Social Learning Model

This session will describe the initiation of STEM and sustainability-focused study abroad programs in Spain, Australia, and India by underrepresented student groups at the City University of New York, using...
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Global Learning and Career Readiness: Enhancing Education Abroad Access for HBCU Students

In this session, a faculty-student panel will share cross-disciplinary approaches used at an HBCU to enhance students’ access to study abroad. Approaches include: integrating study abroad programs into competency-based professional...
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10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 5)

12:15 pm - 2:00 pm

Annual Luncheon

2:15 pm - 3:30 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 6)

Redefining The Narrative of Global Classrooms and Careers Through Expat Mentorship

With the clear disparity of diverse representation in global classrooms and careers, first-generation students and students of color lack resources and roadmaps to study and thrive abroad. Through mentor-focused programs...
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The Hidden Module: Confronting Inequity, Decolonization, and Privilege in Two Diverse Short-term Study Abroad Programs in Uganda

This session includes a panel representing student, faculty, and program partner perspectives as they mine experiences from two programs in Uganda to achieve the following learning objectives/goals: 1. Explore methods...
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Designing with Identity in Mind: A Case Study on Two Deaf-centric Programs in Madrid and Cape Town

This session will look at two innovative programs – one from Gallaudet University and the other from California State University – that were both awarded a CIEE Access Grant for...
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Identity in Focus: Shifting Advising Practices Toward a More Diverse and Inclusive Student Experience

As the field of international education focuses increasingly on diversity and inclusion, advisors and peer educators must do more than encourage diverse applicants to simply apply. Professionals must provide support...
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Health, Safety, and Security Office Hours

Bring your questions, concerns, and thoughts to the CIEE Health, Safety and Security team during our office hours. Have a question about campus safety in Prague? Internship placements in Santiago?...
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Impact Globally, Strategize Inclusively: Enhancing Access for Students with Disabilities

The commitment to provide students from diverse backgrounds, including students with disabilities, the opportunity to study abroad raises many questions. Among those, how can institutions ensure effective and efficient inclusion...
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Start in the Middle: On-Site to Re-Entry & Back to Maximize Student Learning

This interactive session starts with the premise that study abroad educators need to begin in the middle – on-site and re-entry – to more effectively achieve desired study abroad learning...
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Creating a Global Campus for Minority Serving Institutions – Improving Access to International Education

New Jersey City University (NJCU), Leaders of the Free World (LFW), and Birthright AFRICA will discuss their work and offer insights on how colleges and universities can partner with organizations...
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Washington Update

After a tumultuous political year, during which immigration issues continued to drive national debates, the race for president is in full swing. Join us as we discuss the latest changes...
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3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 7)

7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Annual Reception (Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration)

8:30 am - 10:00 am

CIEE Breakfast

10:15 am - 11:30 am

Concurrent Sessions (Group 8)

International Students Studying Abroad: Adapting to a New Reality

According to the 2017 Open Doors Report, in the past decade more and more international students are studying at U.S. universities and taking part in study abroad programs. This new...
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Intercultural Competency at the Intersection of Virtual Spaces and Experiential Learning

This session will identify how virtual-mediated learning combines with professional experiences to influence the development of intercultural competency among military-affiliated graduate students, an overlooked student population. What tools, technologies, and...
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Passport to Engagement: Illuminating the Way for Underrepresented Students in Study Abroad, Highlighting Business-students Case Study

At the University of Cincinnati, a large, public, research university, various units have made strides in supporting and engaging traditionally underrepresented student populations in international experiences. Since the creation of...
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Low Budget Solutions for High Impact Results: Strategies for Improving Access

How can the field of education abroad address the needs of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) as they strive...
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11:45 am - 1:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions (Group 9)

Holistic, Developmental Advising: An Interactive Workshop

In this interactive session, presenters from a wide range of institutions will introduce holistic, developmental advising and share how this approach positions their own underrepresented students to make the most...
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Building Cross Campus Collaboration to Support Diverse Populations Abroad

This session will focus on strategies for leveraging cross-campus collaborations to support students of diverse backgrounds throughout the education abroad process. While increasing the participation of diverse populations in study...
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Mobile and App-Natives: Redefining Learning Strategies and Customize Experiences for an Entrepreneurial iGeneration

Technology has undoubtedly changed the way students communicate and interact in today’s world as the iGeneration is the most tech-savvy of all to date. Since the iGeneration is fully immersed...
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It Takes More Than One Office: Working Collaboratively to Promote Reflection and Intentionality in Education Abroad

How do we ensure that underrepresented students feel both welcomed and challenged while studying abroad? In line with the notion of “inclusive excellence,” this session will explore the ways in...
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Ritu Bhasin

Leadership and Inclusion Specialist; Author; President of Bhasin Consulting

Globally-recognized leadership and inclusion specialist, Ritu Bhasin, brings her expertise to the world of international education during the CIEE Welcome Breakfast and Opening Plenary. Inspired by her own journey to overcome racist childhood bullying, Ritu has committed to disrupting the status quo and building a world where everyone can celebrate their differences and the differences of others. Known for her expertise in cultural competence, unconscious bias, and neuroscience strategies, she has coached hundreds of professionals, leaders, and executives to be more inclusive.

As a passionate advocate for authenticity, inclusion, and empowerment, Ritu has won numerous awards for her work, including the City of Toronto’s William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations in 2014.

In 2010, Ritu launched Bhasin Consulting Inc., a diversity and inclusion-focused consulting firm and has since gained a global reputation for her work in leadership development, diversity and inclusion, and women’s advancement. Before founding Bhasin Consulting Inc., Ritu was a practicing lawyer, and the director of legal talent at a preeminent Canadian law firm. She earned an MBA from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, an LL.B. (with Distinction) from the University of Western Ontario, and she served as an instructor in the Executive Program at the Rotman School of Management. Her first book, The Authenticity Principle, was release in 2017, and is now an Amazon bestseller.

André Robert Lee

Filmmaker; President & Founder of Many Things Management

Join us for an inspiring reflection on diversity from André Robert Lee at this year’s Annual Luncheon. André will illustrate sources of identity, examine the problems that occur when those identities clash, and what we, as individuals, can do to overcome these obstacles.

André produces and directs film and television for Point Made Films and his production company, Many Things Management. He wrote, directed, and produced The Prep School Negro, a film documenting his personal journey as a high school scholarship student. The film explores what he gained intellectually but lost emotionally when he left the streets of Philadelphia each day to attend an elite private school. Since 2009, he has taken The Prep School Negro to several hundred independent high schools, colleges, and conferences to lead discussions about how institutions can move beyond diversity initiatives and create a sense of belonging for underrepresented students. In 2014, he produced a second documentary, I’m Not a Racist … Am I? and continues to travel around the U.S. facilitating screenings and workshops.

In addition to presenting his films at hundreds of schools, André serves as a consultant and advisor for Connecticut College’s Mellon Undergraduate Research Program in the Arts and Humanities. He has worked with New York City Public Schools, The Ford Foundation, Miramax Films, HBO, and DreamWorks, and has been a speaker at The Gates Millennium Scholars Program Leadership Conferences. André is a member of the Connecticut College Alumni Board of Directors and the Advisory Board for Ready Willing and Able: The Doe Fund, Inc. He also serves on the Jury for the Academy Awards Student competition and serves as a Reader for The Gates Millennium Scholars Program.